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ChosenOneX • 1 year ago

“Just because we’re in this line of work doesn’t mean we love war.” – I’m gonna quote Tolkien here:
“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” (Faramir)

So the war begins… and Mitsuha’s decided not to hide things anymore. “I’ll teach them what true despair and fear are.”

I’m all in for the cross-world plot. It’s getting pretty interesting. I haven't seen Gate yet, but it is (at least a bit) similar to this, right? Can't wait for the next episode - wonder what weapons they are gonna bring to the fantasy world (it's probably gonna be just guns and nothing too big like tanks, aircraft, or some hypersonic missiles).

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Gate is amazing. One sided slaughter. Imagine civilization, the game but you start out at modern age and your enemies are still on stone age/feudal age.

anyways, as someone who served I like my guns and brrrrrt noises so im biased. But I digress. Exporting American freedom to your doorstep. I accept oil payments. Oil memes are the funniest memes /s

Fun fact, the U.S is the type to make up the geneva convention and handicap themselves in actual war. No other countries abide by the geneva convention *cough russia* making it kind of pointless.

I laughed because Mitsuha triple tapped the enemy soldier. Funny thing is Double tapping is also illegal* So make sure theyre dead, dead.

Lastly. Exporting guns is no joke. More cons than pros for Mitsuha. If possible hiring trusted mercenaries from her world would be better. Dont need to train them. But if anyone is still watching, I will have assumed they turned their brains off because there is so much potential for everything to go wrong with exporting guns to common soldiers. Lack of accountability for weapons. Huge risk for coup. Soldiers turning to banditry seeing how easy it is to kill other humans. Not to mention, Mitsuha would be handing the king an easy option to eliminate her. If anything, exporting gattling guns would be far more efficient than each soldier with guns. As you can mount them in defensible positions.

Edit: Ignoring Mitsuha's arrow wound did she somehow come back with no injury lol

Squyu • 1 year ago

The US broke the Geneva convention in Vietnam maybe other places too but defiantly Vietnam, they fucking Napalmed civilians. Don't get me wrong russia is almost certainly worse but the US is not a morally upstanding contry in war no one is

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

Protocal 3 wasnt made till 1980. The war lasted 2 more years after the US left.

Chase Gonzaga • 1 year ago

trust me guns are gonna play a big part next episode and more next season plus you get to see "god' and things go brrrr not as much as gate but it's an acceptable amount of slaughter

Elias001 • 1 year ago

There is another season to this? Wait when? This anime is turning into a comedy of sorts.

Chase Gonzaga • 1 year ago

novel has gone way further than what this season has to offer so if its popular enuf we could get another season

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

«All Wars Are Bankers Wars»
Make sure to watch it thoroughly.
Particularly the version uploaded by High Frequency Radio on BitChute.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

I invest in the defense industry. Dont care.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

The «Department of Defense» was originally called the «Department of War» but changed its name back around during 1947... they apparently wanted more public-acceptance.

«"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," Thomas Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (those banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

"The issuing power of currency should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

We should all meditate on that amazing prediction of things to come that are not necessarily beneficial to the 99%-- but only to the 1%.» Para-Quoted from Forbes as authored by Robert Lenzner

Are you a «Patriot» who wants what is best for the country and its people or are you really willing to actually «sell out» the country for 30 pieces of silver ?

US sure can spent shit tons of money to war but still can't solve growing homeless issues 😂🤣 also lets not forget drug cartel is practically everywhere in US ahahah

Cipher • 1 year ago

Can give a link for that cultured profile pic you are using, thanks 👍

its from "Maou Gakuen no Hangyakusha"

stop being a commie

lol anglo sax empire shit head. you empire collapsing like domino now bark hard 😂

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

I'm completely fine with trading my Healthcare to spread some freedom and democracy around the world. BRRRRRRT.

sure until u pick a fight with someone who can't win against 😂🤣

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Let me remind you our defense budget is bigger than the top 20 other countries defense budget combined. You won't be seeing Americans in outdated tanks.

u series think all that defense budget went to making weapons? 😂🤣 F-16 can't even shoot a freaking balloon and let not forget how 30 million drone went down just from Russian Jet pee on to the drone 🤣

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

1) we test fired a missile. It may have cost 300k but it now has combat use and is ready for real combat against the Chinese should they foolishly declare war.
2) the Russian jet actually hit the drone and clipped the propeller. Drones are cheaper than jets. The Russian jet was put out of action for future repairs. If a jet gets put out of the fight for my brother's and sisters in arms in Ukraine that will always be a W.

1) Chinese don't even need to sent Jets they can just send weather balloons and US would waste so much $$ to destroy all those balloons. US is already collapsing inside China just need to sit back and enjoy lol
2) Russian Jet was perfectly fine and they even managed to take drone scraps in the end prob sent them to Iran so that Iran can make better drones than US. also Ukraine already lost big time lol US sending half ass weapon and even most tanks they sent US dnt even let Ukraine soldiers to use them lol. You prob only watch west media since they don't show you any of those. US anglo sax empire is collapsing hard dollars will soon be toilet papers 😂🤣🤣🤣

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

China hasn't been in a war since the last 50yrs. They're like Russia. Paper tigers with sh*tty equipment. We designed the f16 during the cold war to compete against Russia's mig plane turns out their planes were sh*t. China has a whole fleet of planes that have not seen combat as well as poorly reverse engineered jets. They would get trashed.

Better look up some history. We took out the Iraqis in hours. We would have finished quicker if they didn't slow us down by surrendering. Let's me remind you that while not everyone likes the U.S more people would rather have the bully China lose. Every Asian country hates China. ASEAN alliance, NATO, even India which is neutral would Fk with China because of all that border games China secretly tried to expand. China is the equivalent of north Korea. ALWAYS COMPLAINS BUT DOES THE SAME THING TO IT'S NEIGHBOR'S. They steal fishing resources intentionally while building an island that is contested by its other neighbors. The equivalent to me building a property on your land without permission. The best part is they threaten their neighbors with military action. Eventually which is pretty soon. The whole European continent is going to say F China and just starve them by refusing to do trade. The Great Mao movement 2.0 millions of Chinese will starve. Better stock pile on those import foods while you still can.

A country that relies on food imports to feed their population gonna find out. Fk around, find out.

Eldershield • 4 months ago

She has healing capabilities as told to us by the “spirit” she can even grow back her limbs given enough time, but yeah going all out like this needs planning or she could ruin the world. But also I wanna see modern weaponry go against medieval fantasy monsters

Chalice Tan • 1 year ago

Well the main problem would be supply. Guns won't work without ammo (unless as bashing weapons of course lol). There's a big gap in technology so the sure fire would only be through Mitsuha or they should have knowledge in production (plus language and basic knowledge of the other world). Not saying it's impossible tho.

You might have forgotten that Mitsuha would have any type of wound heal at a very high rate (Probably unless lethal). Even limbs would regrow (the amount of data her body needs to have would be far greater as to be able to, not just heal, but recreate not just a limb, but her own limb). Her teleportation would play a big role. She isn't just "anyone that could travel worlds". So her wound healing isn't that much of a concern. Although in manga she still had her wound after teleporting.

Although I don't disagree with your other points lol.

P.S. Geneva Convention?? More like Geneva Suggestions

LesK • 1 year ago

i also love how he got 2 into the blond guy? and one into her... with a hand-crossbow within a few seconds. ;) now if it was a small Middle Ages birding and rabbit hunting crossbow... i would get that and fully accept it. i've shot one of those (replica) and getting 3 or 4 bolts off ... within 30-60 seconds... moderately accurately... is hard but doable. but i've seen what those do to plastic 1gallon milk jugs filled with water and... yeah even with our 'modern' metallurgy and precision tooling making that replica... i would say it felt like a good 10lb to 15lb pull... penetration into those jugs was maaaybe 1" perhaps as deep as 3"... depending on how close i was to those milk jugs. if he's a beefy blond boi with decent abs and a nice bit of muscle tone... even a gut-shot wouldn't be terrrribly bad from standard 'straight head' bolts. now if the assassin was using bladed bolts. ugghhh that would suck!

the 'fast' draw on those is via an iron/metal 'hook' strapped to either wrist and you hold onto what looks like a 'standard crossbow' FOOT HOLD at the fore-end of the stock. you hook the hook into the string and pull your hands 'apart' till the string hits the 'catch' for the 'release lever'. then you have to fumble the crossbow back into your dominant hand and nock the bolt into the groove and string with your non-dominant hand and fire once again. so, it ain't easy. but it certainly is faster than the full-sized Swiss Guard crossbows that required a mechanical hand-crank assist strapped to your belly-belt. those crossbows were strung with metal CABLE and could not be pulled back without those cranks. the arms were so stiff that to string them required a rope and pully system to flex the arms close enough for the armsmen to attach the cables.

Squyu • 1 year ago

I'm just going to assume fantasy shotgun-crossbow hybrid with multiple bolts shot simultaneously

LesK • 1 year ago

'her healing factor is so good, it even works on her clothes!' ;) no bolt hole or bloodstain!

remember, her auto-pistol has a semi-auto and a 3 round burst selector switch. 'oops, i went one click too far your honor and put three rounds into his chest.' :> case closed. imminent fear of death and protecting the military commander in chief of the local organized and armed official armies... from an insurgent disguised (read spy!) as one of the local troops' couriers... assassination attempt.

reeeeemember! if you ain't in uniform... ;) The Rules of War don't apply to you! insurgents. terrorists. spies. deserters. infiltrators. black marketeers. sympathizers. open supporters. it's always open season on THOSE folks. :>

i didn't spend 14 years in the US Army MP Corps slurpin coffee, eatin doughnuts, and writing speeding tickets ALL the time. ;)

TEKKEN. universal • 1 year ago

When you started about Gate where did it go i can't find Gate on gogo and i tried jap name as well as eng name

Sublime Hurdle 1542 • 1 year ago

Maybe you have to either find the Japanese name or the full name, ofc typing GATE won't give you anything.

TEKKEN. universal • 1 year ago

I did that i tried eng alternative names and japanese alternative names etc

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

If you can't find something on here there are always other animé-sites that might have them... WCOStream is another one I check if something seems to be unavailable here for some reason... should also be some others but I don't have reliable access to my external-drive data that has the information at the moment until I fix my USB-Hub insufficient-power issue...

P.S. : Gate is actually on here, just use the Animé-List link, then go to the G section. Should be listed if you add «/anime-list-G» to the end of this web-site's domain-name...

TEKKEN. universal • 1 year ago

Thats too complicated but i will rewarch it thanks

Winterisreallycoming • 1 year ago

Maybe try Gate: Jietai Kanochi Nite, Kaku Tatakeri?

Edit: I just tested copy pasting the thing and it doesn't work. You need to type the name out and it'll show up

Nasty • 1 year ago

Gate is a must watch. Still here waiting for another season of that awesome show. There is no other show like it which makes it quite unique of its own but it also have plenty of great/likable characters with plenty of badass moments.

Satisfying to see modern tech in the medieval age. That show have like everything fantasy related like magic, dragons, elf, goths.

its not am must watch

Nasty • 1 year ago

It is for sure. Its very entertaining and its quite unique on its own, there is no other show out there that does the same/or as good as Gate.

It has everything you would want in a fantasy show, all the races, creatures that you commonly see and love.

Elias001 • 1 year ago

The story of Gate was never finished in anime form. Was the manga story finished?

Nasty • 1 year ago

Have no idea really if it follows the LN or the manga. But im pretty certain that there are still some more content that they can make another season or movie out of. Don't think the manga or LN are finished yet. Not sure what the author is up to these days.

Hipster_Ken_ • 1 year ago

The anime is pretty close to the manga.also manga is still ongoing and it's really good as of now

Nasty • 1 year ago

Sweet then there is hope for another season or two 😁😁

Bob • 1 year ago

yeah, mitsuha had a massive advantage.. until that goblin got up after being shot. What good is guns if goblins can get right back up again after being shot? Either there's a spell on them to prevent them from feeling pain/fear, or they're already dead and a necromancer has risen them. Either way, the advantage is gone now. I'd say the best course of action is to delay things and find out why they're not feeling pain. If there's a necromancer, bring a sniper to snipe it in the face.

KFA • 1 year ago

So use explosive ammo. Don't even need missiles or anything. Toss a few grenades since they are all conveniently grouped together.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Nah goblins just dont have the self-preservation instinct. Gotta headshot them. Theyre certainly alive.

LesK • 1 year ago

nah, the supersonic pow pow pow would have scared the crap out of them. certainly scared those kidnappers in the city.

Elmer J. Fapp • 1 year ago

Get a 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle or Anti Tank Rifle, that should do the job. Or the best of all Wheat Harvester machine ;D

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

not everyone can be goblin slayer, it takes years of practice, lol

LaPlace Liebehearth • 1 year ago

Napalm the fck out of them until there's not even ashes

Red Eye • 1 year ago

oh don't worry the solution is simple bigger guns and the PMC has lots of that finally it's here get ready for a nice finale where guns are heavily used to destroy monsters and in season 2 (if it happens) you can look forward to seeing modern guns vs dudes for the 1700s who look down on this kingdom since they're like from the 1100s ish honestly this story is a blast I really hope it get's more

the Finance Guy • 1 year ago

With Gate it was the fantasy world that invaded Japan first and kidnapped a bunch of Japanese citizens. So, the utter slaughter that the JDF did on the fantasy world was sort of justified.

KFA • 1 year ago

I don't remember JSDF actually attacking in excess. The slaughter mostly happened while they were defending.